07-28-2021, 12:05 AM
<!--StartFragment--><div class="bbWrapper">Hello people!
Since i use my bike to go to work, i end up using my car (Kadett on my
sig) only one or two times a week. Sometimes i just utilize it to keep
it running.
This led me to the question: what is a good distance/duration for a
When i use it for these "maintenance" trips, this is what i do:
1. While i take the cover off, i let it iddle for about 5 minutes for
warming up (the car runs on 100% ethanol).
2. 1 min after leaving the house i am already on the "highway" in 5th
3. I drive it lightly for about 20 miles, and then on the way back i
give it some 3rd and 4th gear pulls. So the total distance is around 40
miles and takes about 40 min.
4. I never do trips shorter than that, and every time i start the car it
runs at least that distance.
Do you think this is sufficient? Would you do something different?</div><!--EndFragment-->
<!--StartFragment--><div class="bbWrapper">Hello people!
Since i use my bike to go to work, i end up using my car (Kadett on my
sig) only one or two times a week. Sometimes i just utilize it to keep
it running.
This led me to the question: what is a good distance/duration for a
When i use it for these "maintenance" trips, this is what i do:
1. While i take the cover off, i let it iddle for about 5 minutes for
warming up (the car runs on 100% ethanol).
2. 1 min after leaving the house i am already on the "highway" in 5th
3. I drive it lightly for about 20 miles, and then on the way back i
give it some 3rd and 4th gear pulls. So the total distance is around 40
miles and takes about 40 min.
4. I never do trips shorter than that, and every time i start the car it
runs at least that distance.
Do you think this is sufficient? Would you do something different?</div><!--EndFragment-->