06-07-2021, 11:45 PM
I'm not sure, but maybe there is water in my laptop, my laptop is running. The only problem is that it doesn't charge fully. Now it's somehow impossible. Can I use it after that ?
06-07-2021, 11:45 PM
I'm not sure, but maybe there is water in my laptop, my laptop is running. The only problem is that it doesn't charge fully. Now it's somehow impossible. Can I use it after that ?
06-08-2021, 07:49 PM
You can get all the info you need from WMIC or Powershell, but like you stated, I didn't want to make all those external calls once a minute. The custom plugin is the way I handled it. The plugin docs are in the Resources folder if you want to use it. If you want the WMI queries, let me know.
06-08-2021, 07:53 PM
Is this how your power plugins look like ? :
[Rainmeter] Update=1000 BackgroundMode=2 SolidColor=0,0,0,255 [MeasureBatteryPercent] Measure=Plugin Plugin=PowerPlugin PowerState=Percent [MeterBatteryPercent] Meter=String MeasureName=MeasureBatteryPercent X=5 Y=5 W=200 H=20 FontColor=255,255,255,255 Text=Battery left: %1 This is a reference from https://batterytools.net/ and I wanted to make sure it is the right thing, I only know the site for good quality selling of batteries, I don't know their reputation when it comes to using Rainmeter. And who knows where I can get beautiful and low-memory-consuming battery skin? |