01-31-2021, 10:12 AM
<p>My pension pot is still at home, invested and held in pounds sterling. I always keep an eye on the£/$ rate and it trickles up again, so I'm thinking of moving it from £ to $ (although it should stay there as transfer laws etc mean I can't move it until I'm 55 - another 7 years). My financial / retirement advisor (bdhSterling) is not a forex expert, but commented that if he were with me, he would consider switching.<br><br>I have basic skills/knowledge in forex technical analysis and based on that alone, I believe we have a good chance of seeing £1 = $2.10, but along with that came Covid-19 and my crystal ball crashed many years ago. As the mantra goes, markets can go both down and up, as I know well.<br><br>Any thoughts/insights/etc ?<br></p>