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[center]Russell Brunson - 24hr Expert & Story Selling (Expert Secrets Upsells) [/center]

Do you have a message you want to share with the world?

Do you have specialized knowledge that could help change someone else's life?

Would you like to get paid for your advice?

Your message has the ability to change someone's life.
The impact that the right message can have on someone at the right time in their life is immeasurable. It could help to save marriages, repair families, change someone's health, grow a company or more.

But only if you know how to get it into the hands of the people whose lives you have been called to change.

Expert Secrets will help you find your voice and give you the confidence to become a leader.
Expert Secrets will show you how to build a mass movement of people who's lives you can affect.
Expert Secrets will teach you how to make this calling a career, where people will pay you for your advice.

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As Sir Winston Churchill once said:

To each there comes in their lifetime a special moment when they are figuratively tapped on the shoulder and offered the chance to do a very special thing, unique to them and fitted to their talents. What a tragedy if that moment finds them unprepared or unqualified for that which could have been their finest hour.
Your message matters, and this book is your figurative tap on the shoulder.
Expert Secrets Has Already Helped Countless People Around The World...
The Question Is, Are YOU Next?"
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If You're Sick And Tired Of All The Hype, Scams And Claims You See online Lately, Then Read These Amazing Success Stories From Actual, Real Students...
Kaelin Poulin
"Fitness & Weight Loss Expert"
"Over 50,000 Women Have Joined Our 'Lady Boss' Community!"
In 2007, Kaelin's dad passed away.

In her grief, she developed a food addiction and her life started spiraling out of control. She gained a ton of weight and ended up being 180 pounds at 5'2''.

She realized she needed to get control back. She committed herself to lose the weight and get healthy.

It took her a long time to do the research and figure out what worked. But once she figured it out she became obsessed with working out and eating healthy.

But she realized it wasn't the fitness itself that motivated her. She remembers what it's like for women who don't know where to start or what to do on their journey to lose weight and take back their life.

Today, she is on a mission to help women lose weight and love themselves again.

Kaelin learned how to do the Perfect Webinar from Expert Secrets. She did the webinar over and over again every week for a year. Her business exploded from zero to over 50,000+ women who've enrolled in the program.
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"...In the first 45 days I sold over 500 copies of my hot dog course!"
Ben Wilson got started in the hot dog business by accident. In 2007 he owned a successful furniture store went bankrupt shortly after the housing market crashed. After he closed his doors, he had to move out of his home, and get on food stamps to help his wife and kids survive.

A little while later, he heard about someone who had a successful hot dog cart business, and he decided that he should start his own. Within a few weeks his hot dog cart was profitable, and he was able to get off of food stamps!

Within a year, they had 20 carts, and had made over $120,000 selling hot dogs!

Because he knew the pain that his family went through, his started making YouTube videos showing others how they could start their own hot dog business as well!

After learning about Expert Secrets, Ben went from giving away his hot dog expertise to selling over 500 copies of his hot dog course in the first 45 days!
Ben Wilson
"Hot Dog Cart Expert"
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Alison Prince
"Ecommerce Expert"
""On that first webinar I sold more than I did in an entire year.""
Alison started her first e-commerce business as a busy mom.

After pooling together $450 with her two friends, they launched their first e-commerce brand and slowly started making sales. As their company grew she decided she needed to take a trip to China in order to source their product.

She did not know Chinese or have any idea what she was doing. But after seven trips and some trial-and-error, she learned her way around the market and went on to build seven successful e-commerce brands.

Because her experience with e-commerce was so life-changing, she decided package her insights into a course to help other people who wanted to make money from home.

Even though she knew how to sell physical products, she had difficulty positioning the opportunity she was trying to present to others. She knew it could change their lives but she just couldn't get them to understand this life-changing opportunity. She felt like she was coming across as too salesy.
Then she found Russell Brunson and immersed herself in the Expert Secrets training. She launched her new webinar and sold more on that first webinar than she did previously in the entire year.

Most importantly though, is the fulfillment she gets because she is changing people's lives through her knowledge.
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"Before, I thought it was my fault that no one cared about my message..."
Justin didn't have a smooth start in the real estate business. He racked up a bunch of personal debt and could only afford to live in a small house with friends and family.

After years of struggling he finally learned how to flip houses without using his own money. By 2012, he flipped over a hundred houses. He created the systems and processes that allowed the business to work for him instead of him working for the business.

But after reaching what seemed to be the high point of his career, he sensed that something was missing. He had to do something more. He wanted to share the things he had learned with other people.

He thought that others would be excited to learn about his business system since it was so life-changing for him. But after a year he wanted to quit.

Even though he was working 60 hours a week to bring this message to people... it seemed like nobody cared. It felt like he just created another job for himself.
Justin Williams
"House Flipping Expert"
"House Flipping Expert"
But everything turned around when he met Russell Brunson. Russell taught him the strategies he needed to share his message.

Before, Justin thought that it was his fault that no one cared about his message. But Russell showed him that people people were eager to hear his message; he just didn't know how to share it.

Within just a few short months of being coached by Russell Brunson, his coaching business took off. He now has several hundred people in his $2,000 coaching program.

He's changing people's lives by showing them how to flip houses. He also has over 40 people in his high-end $25,000 program and his enrollments are growing every day.

All the strategies and tools he learned from Russell are found in the Expert Secrets book.
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Tara Williams
"Energy Clearing Expert"
"I've created a movement. People are joining my energy clearing academy every day and using the tools to change their lives"
Tara discovered energy healing after having a series of inexplicable panic attacks. She went to the doctors and did test after test but the doctor never found anything.

She was doing all the right things. She was exercising and eating well. She had a great marriage. They had plenty of money.

She hoped that things would get better, but the attacks got worse. She developed acid reflux and was unable to get food down. She wasn't able to sleep.

Meanwhile the doctors kept piling on more and more pills but nothing was helping.

She feared that she wouldn't be able to take it anymore. What if one day she lost it and left her kids behind? What if she was stuck suffering like this for good?
Out of desperation she agreed to try energy healing at the suggestion of her mother-in-law. Much to her surprise, she actually started healing and experienced a personal transformation.

Tara became obsessed with energy healing from that point on. She thought, "This has worked so well for me... what if it could work for other people?" She started helping her friends and family who were struggling.

Then she started a podcast to help get the message out. She started working with more people one-on-one. But even with her best efforts, she was never able to reach anymore than 30 people a week with her one-on-one sessions.

She thought it wasn't fair that only herself and twenty people a week could access these tools. She knew she was good at what she did, but she just didn't know how to let everyone know about it.

That's where Russell Brunson's Expert Secrets book came in.

Using Russell's strategies, she was able to take her knowledge and her voice and turn it into a business that allowed others to use the same tools she had and change their lives. Now she's created a movement and has people coming into her Energy Clearing academy every day and using the tools to change their lives.
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"I got paid to receive 5,000 leads..."
Ryan became one of the most successful loan officers in the nation and then lost it all. In 2010, the Dodd-Frank act was passed and Ryan was unable to renew his license.

After making a bad bet on advertising, he lost everything and had to move in with his in-laws.

A friend of his suggested that he look into funnels.

He couldn't get a job due to a criminal background so he decided to commit to getting funnels to work for him.

After thousands of unsuccessful attempts he finally created his first million dollar funnel in 2015.

In 2016, he joined Russell's mastermind group. Russell showed him how to build funnels the easy way (with ClickFunnels). Now Ryan is able to automate most of his sales process.

Since January, he has delivered and sold over 5,000 books with Russell's system. These book buyers are high quality leads for his business and he's already had 413 people join his continuity program.
Ryan Stewman
"Sales Expert"
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Danielle White
"Hair Stylist Expert"
"Expert Secrets Helps Me Better Teach Branding and Marketing to My Stylist Students"
Like many women, Danielle was frustrated with her hair.

As she searched out answers for her own problem, she discovered a passion for hair. She attended hair school immediately after high school.

While attending hair school she began to feel jealous of all the long beautiful hair she would work with. Her hair was too thin and she just didn't have enough to style it like she wanted.

This frustration led her to focus on finding hair extensions that looked as natural as possible. Through trial-and-error she was able to piece together a method that worked.

The word got out and people started flying in just to have their hair done by Danielle. She loved seeing the impact her work was making on these women's lives.
She soon realized that if she was going to help more women, she couldn't keep her method a secret anymore. She decided to start her own online course and coaching program to share it with others.

Studying Expert Secrets helped Danielle to understand why what she was doing was working and become more confident in her role as an expert. She now uses the concepts from Expert Secrets to better teach branding and marketing to her students.

In the last 12 months, she had 147 students enroll in her $797 online course and 90 students joined her $3,000 coaching program.
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"I've literally gotten rid of every other book I've ever studied on marketing."
Garrett never intended to become an "expert."

It was a long journey of pain that led to his expertise.

While money and fitness came relatively easy to him, Garrett didn't know how to be a husband. He didn't know how to show up as a father. He didn't know how to show up as a man of God.

As he searched for answers and tried to reclaim his manhood, he found that a lot of other men were going through the same pain he was. He found many men were struggling reclaim their manhood after being raised in a society that de-masculinize men.

"Wake Up Warrior" was the result of Garrett's journey through pain. He now leads thousands of men around the world on the conversation of "waking up."

Garrett has literally thrown away every other marketing book he's ever studied and focuses only on Russell's books.
Garrett J. White
"Expert At Waking Men Up"
After learning about the "New Opportunity" concept from the Expert Secrets book, Garret completely altered how he runs his ads. Since altering the language, he's seen a 46% increase in his conversions and traffic from his funnels.

Garrett also uses the Epiphany Bridge concept to help his students change their mindset and belief systems.

In 2016, Garrett sold out 36 of his "Warrior Week Experience" events. Each event averages 20-25 attendees and sells for around $10,000 per ticket. About 80% of his attendees upgrade to his "Kingdom Experience" - a 3-12 month experience that sells for between $25K-$50K.
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