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Full Version: Should I go see a escort?
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<p>Hey guys, I'm doing really well with my nofap/not using porn yet, but since I started again, I'm thinking more and more about going for an escort. Why?<br>-You can choose a girl and you won't lie, some of them are damn beautiful<br>--I give up a relationship/lose my virginity with a girl in a "normal" way, I have to focus on myself (boxing, self-improvement at work, nofap)<br>--As I said, I don't feel the need to drip at all, and I feel better now, so I don't think I would have violated nofap before/after<br>What do you guys think ? Should I go to the maintainer or not ? Please explain your advice. Have some of you already tried it ?<br></p>
<!--StartFragment-->Do you live according to any principles or morals generally speaking ? For those trying to live by these rules , consult them; they may have a divine answer that trumps a mortal persons opinion. <!--EndFragment-->

<!--StartFragment-->Also tought about seeing them but specially the fear of DST kept me away from them<!--EndFragment-->

</p><!--StartFragment--><p>You can, but you have to carefully choose who you will be dealing with. We all have our animalistic needs. It's only natural. But when you pursue self-improvement like no fap and don't have time/focus to start a relationship this is the quickest way to just get it out of the system I guess. This is just my take on it. I have been pursuing self improvement for several years now and no fap is a big part of it. However, there are some animalistic needs that all of us naturally have and they need to be dealt with. I did not have any time to pursue a relationship so I did use this escort service <a href=""></a>. I do not think there is anything to be ashamed of.</p><!--EndFragment--><p>
