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<p>I'd love to know more about law in general, and I'm looking for some courses that I could take. The problem is I didn't find any online. Any recomendations? <br></p>
<p></p><p>There are two sides to every story. You can only pay this commission if you have a copyright on the strategy. Otherwise, you don't have to pay. Often a friend of mine doesn't copyright his work to save on taxes and commissions. On the other hand, I always pay everything just so that I can press charges in court if the project is stolen. This happened to me once when I was working with another platform. If I had not contacted in time, I probably would have lost the case for lack of literacy in matters of law.</p><p></p><p></p>
Thank You. I'll save the contacts just in case I need a good lawyer.
Good courses can be found with practicing lawyers who run their own social media. It's essential to ensure that they are experts in their field and not charlatans who just make poor quality courses and sell them. But it's much more critical if you find a strong law company after the courses and start working as a paralegal there. One such company is This will give you a lot of experience and connections. Various institutes help a lawyer understand the law. But it's still mostly theory. And to become an excellent lawyer, you have to practice.
It's better to go to university!
Two years before graduation, the law profession was very popular. It was the "right" profession as IT is now, so my parents strongly recommended I enter the law faculty. I did not want to make such a difficult decision at that age, and I gladly agreed. I had never had any abilities or interest in the humanities during my school years. Still, I was very good at mathematics and chemistry. I would like to become a lawyer like They help people who have problems because of drunk driving! By the way, in the 5th year of law school, I read an article that claimed that the best lawyers are those who were successful in school exactly in mathematics and chemistry. Try it, and maybe you will become a good lawyer too!