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Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - Printable Version

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RE: Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - kfg52 - 07-28-2019

РоПриглашаю всех в РОЙ Клуб.!!!!!Чем больше партнеров в Рой Клубе, тем быстрее парамайнинг, тем больше возможностей у Рой Клуба и у нас!!й Клубе, тем быстрее парамайнинг, тем больше возможностей у Рой Клуба и у нас!!

Прошло уже 2 года с запуском PRIZM, но сегодня проект находится только на начальном этапе. Ведь главная цель - полностью заменить существующие расчетные инструменты и создать новую, свободную мировую финансовую систему.
Подробности по ссылке:[/url][url=]

[Image: W3i8PAM.jpg]

RE: Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - kfg52 - 07-28-2019

Приглашаю всех в РОЙ Клуб. Чем больше партнеров в Рой Клубе, тем быстрее парамайнинг, тем больше возможностей у Рой Клуба и у нас!

RE: Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - ledi123 - 07-28-2019

(03-06-2019, 11:02 PM)ROY_PRIZM Wrote: Some info about PRIZM (PZM):
As everyone already knows, PRIZM (PZM) is a fully decentralized and self-regulated electronic currency. Allowing any user to quickly and reliably make money transfers.

The main tool for the development of a network of users is forging (from the English. Forge - "forging"). All transactions within the system are subject to a fee of 0.5% * of the transfer amount distributed among those network users who participate in the generation of Blockchain. For the formation of the block, the system rewards the amount of commissions paid for carrying out all transactions in the block. Thus, each user of the network can count on a reward from the system for generating new Blockchain blocks.

Cryptocurrency investment component:
Since the extraction of new monetary units is based on the principle of paramining, then buying at least one moment of PRIZM in your wallet you will begin to generate new coins. The speed of mining of new coins depends on the number of coins in the wallet, the more cryptocurrency the higher the paramining speed, the higher your profitability. Look at the growth of coins in percentage terms per day depending on the quantity.

With a monthly calculation of profitability, we do not forget to include a compound interest, since capitalization is constant and new interest is calculated on previously generated. To increase the speed of para-mining of coins can be done by building a structure underneath; the multiplying factor depends on the number of coins on the wallets of partners in your structure by 888 levels.

For example - at the moment the structure "Roy Cash" is successfully functioning. The structure of the joint paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM (PZM). The project is based on the features of PRIZM cryptocurrency:
The more coins collected at one address and the more its structure - the faster new coins are mined.
Members registering with the club and replenishing the balance, begin to participate in the PRIZM joint paramining.

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paramining in the ROY club.

Details on the link:[/url][url=]

[Image: W3i8PAM.jpg]

Призм это дентрализованная валюта не требующая затрат электроэнергии и мощности компьютера для парамайнинга

RE: Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - ROY_PRIZM - 07-29-2019

Have you forgotten the ROY Movement?

Only recently we made an announcement of the new ROY Movement program, which allows you to receive PRIZM for tasks. And so, the first payments to the participants have already been made! The tasks are simple - the coins are real!

If you have not joined the ROY Movement, then this is the time! After all, the number of tasks is growing and the amount of paid coins each time will be more and more. This is your real chance to get PRIZM just like that, without investing, performing simple actions.

Tell about the ROY Movement to your friends, join yourself and get even more PRIZM, the number of which will grow thanks to paramining. A REAL way to earn WITHOUT any investment.

Details of the program:

Registration of participants:

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.

Details on the link:[url=][/url]

[Image: HGicN0f.jpg]

RE: Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - ROY_PRIZM - 08-01-2019

Attention, important news!

Earnings of ROY Club members exceeded 12 000 000 PRIZM

This is over two million four hundred thousand dollars at the current rate!

But since the creation of our Club, less than 8 months have passed. Every day we earn more and more. Already today we have real business projects “on the ground” that bring even more profit. Already, our members have successfully deposited funds for the purchase of housing. Tomorrow we will be able to implement even bolder and more profitable projects and change the lives of even more people for the better!

Just show your numbers to your friends, colleagues, and acquaintances. If they are not yet in the Club, then it's time to join!

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.

Details on the link:[url=][/url]

[Image: QazN8GN.jpg]

RE: Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - ROY_PRIZM - 08-06-2019

ROY The movement is gaining momentum!

More and more members of our Club join the ROY Movement program and receive PRIZM for completing assignments. So why are you, yes, you are not with us yet?

Are there really so many coins on your wallet that you don’t want to get PRIZM for free by following simple steps while helping to promote ROY Club? After all, ROY Movement is not just PRIZM earnings, but also a unique opportunity to provide all possible assistance to our community, to contribute to its popularization!

Join now!

Program Details:

Registration in the ROY Movement program:

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.   

Details on the link:

RE: Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - ROY_PRIZM - 08-08-2019


If unknown contacts are written to you under the guise of operators, technical support of SIGEN, ROY Club and ask for your phone numbers, the contacts of your partners - DO NOT COMMUNICATE WITH THEM, THESE ARE FRAUDERS!

Neither ROY Club nor SIGEN.PRO DOES NOT COLLECT any bases

It is still unknown what the scammers want to achieve, why they need this information. But obviously not for good deeds. Be careful, as they are very persistent, intrusive. Trying to find out contacts under any pretext. They write abstruse phrases, make various offers, including offering to connect SMS notifications about technical works (this is a lie, there are no SMS notifications)

If you gave your number to scammers, then make sure that it is not used for two-factor authentication, otherwise change the number to access the wallet. Also, if you gave the contacts of your partners, be sure to warn them about it.

Be careful, otherwise you may lose your money!

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.

Details on the link:

RE: Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - ROY_PRIZM - 08-12-2019

Why ROY Club is not a pyramid!

If someone tells you that the ROY Club is a pyramid, then just give him 5 simple arguments:
1. You can’t earn passively in a pyramid. In ROY Club, passive income reaches up to 29.99% per month. Without attracting referrals, without investing in other projects and so on.
2. The withdrawal of money is limited in the pyramid. In ROY Club you can withdraw money at any time and in any size. It doesn’t matter how much you have in your account, how many people in your structure, how long you have invested - you can immediately clean up everything.
3. There are no assets in the pyramid. In the ROY Club, earnings are achieved by mining cryptocurrency, which is an asset. Money is not taken from the air.
4. The pyramid has a high entry threshold. In the ROY Club you can start earning even with an amount of 100 PRIZM, which is negligible. At the same time, it is beneficial for the leaders of the pyramids that people immediately invest a lot of money.
5. In a pyramid, everything comes down to money for the sake of money, meaningless profit. In ROY Club, new investment projects are being created, much attention is paid to charity. People can communicate, learn, develop. And we also have an ideology and great goals in the future.

Do not be offended when someone calls our community a pyramid. People are simply afraid of the unknown, of everything new, so just give them real arguments that will help to understand the whole picture.

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.

Details on the link:

[Image: Zbugk37.jpg]

RE: Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - ROY_PRIZM - 08-16-2019

There are more than 20 million coins in the ROY Club!

We are always talking about the growth and development of the Club. But numbers will best help understand real volumes.

What does 20 million coins mean? This means that at the current rate, our Club is "worth" over 356 million rubles!

The project is growing, we are becoming more and more! More people who use PRIZM as a means of payment earn money on investments and improve their well-being. And this is not the limit!

Congratulations to all the participants of the ROY Club on reaching the mark of 20 million! Go ahead, conquer new frontiers!

Need money?
Interested in passive income?
We are ready to help you!
Invest in joint paraming in the ROY club.

Details on the link:[url=][/url]

[Image: trefkQh.jpg]

RE: Roy Cash. Paramining cryptocurrency PRIZM - Bkorsar - 08-22-2019

(03-06-2019, 11:02 PM)ROY_PRIZM Wrote: Some info about PRIZM (PZM):
As everyone already knows, PRIZM (PZM) is a fully decentralized and self-regulated electronic currency. Allowing any user to quickly and reliably make money transfers.

The main tool for the development of a network of users is forging (from the English. Forge - "forging"). All transactions within the system are subject to a fee of 0.5% * of the transfer amount distributed among those network users who participate in the generation of Blockchain. For the formation of the block, the system rewards the amount of commissions paid for carrying out all transactions in the block. Thus, each user of the network can count on a reward from the system for generating new Blockchain blocks.

Cryptocurrency investment component:
Since the extraction of new monetary units is based on the principle of paramining, then buying at least one moment of PRIZM in your wallet you will begin to generate new coins. The speed of mining of new coins depends on the number of coins in the wallet, the more cryptocurrency the higher the paramining speed, the higher your profitability. Look at the growth of coins in percentage terms per day depending on the quantity.

With a monthly calculation of profitability, we do not forget to include a compound interest, since capitalization is constant and new interest is calculated on previously generated. To increase the speed of para-mining of coins can be done by building a structure underneath; the multiplying factor depends on the number of coins on the wallets of partners in your structure by 888 levels.

Например - на данный момент структура «Рой Кэш» успешно функционирует. Структура совместной криминальной параминизации PRIZM (ПЗМ). В основе проекта лежат особенности криптовалюты PRIZM: чем
больше монет собрано по одному адресу и чем больше их структура, тем быстрее добываются новые монеты.
Участники, регистрирующиеся в клубе и пополняющие баланс, начинают участвовать в совместном параминге ПРИЗМ.

Нужны деньги?
Заинтересованы в пассивном доходе?
Мы готовы помочь вам!
Инвестируйте в совместный параминг в клубе ROY.

Подробности по ссылке:[/url][url=]

[Image: W3i8PAM.jpg]

 Если у вас есть желание зарабатывать деньги в Интернете, я рекомендую вам - Roy Club - это реальный и простой способ заработка в Интернете, который также подходит для начинающих!