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Everlesson - Six Figure Clients - Printable Version

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Everlesson - Six Figure Clients - G_P2018 - 08-29-2018

[center][Image: 5e74a8958760644.jpg][/center]
[center]Everlesson - Six Figure Clients[/center]

Built In Autoresponder
Multiple Themes
Free Product Sequence
Paid Product Sequence
Auto Quizzes
DFY Sales Pages
Rating Systems
Drip Feed System
Commentin & Social Media
Import/Export Videos
Complete Gamification
Over 30 integrations with key solutions
So much more..

We've taken the time out of designing or testing a high converting design. We know what works and you can trust that the presentation of your Membership site will look nothing less than phenomenal!

EverLesson will produce the most beautiful, highly profitable membership sites in a matter of minutes. These memberships will keep your members engaged and hungry for more of your products!

Built In Custom Editor, to perfect your look! Once you have chosen your template, your next step is to spend a couple of minutes perfecting the design. With our built-in custom editor, you can change the entire look of the theme in a matter of seconds! Our predefined colors will do all the design work for you!

Create your modules easily And instantly! Create your site's pages in no time at all. In most cases, all you need to do is load one video, and everything is done for you! EverLesson will build out 99% of the site, without you having to lift a finger! EverLesson also makes it easy to manage multiple products at the same time. You don't have to scroll through pages, nothing to search for, you simply choose the product you want to work on.

Video Library

Everything inside of this platform is a library. This means you can use the content and media over as you see fit. The video library you to load videos from YouTube, Wista, Vimeo, Amazon S3, Drop-Box and HTML Code.
Fast Action Buttons

These icons are what allow you to make even more profits with your online course. You're able to turn on your newsfeed, support link, leaderboard categories and your dashboard. Your dashboard will contain more courses your members can purchase.

One of the greatest strenghs of this platform is the gamigication. As your members proceed through the course they will receive points and badges. Once they will receive at badge you can also issue a reward at the same time. It's a very effective yet easy to implement process in our system.
External links

We have made it very easy to create external links, internal links, iframed links, and just about every other link you can think of. Also take note of the “Rate this product link” When your customers click this link they will be abe to rate your course and leave reviews. Those reviews can then be pulled into your sales page.
Goal Blocks

With every single lesson inside your course you should have at least one goal block. That goal is relevant to what was taught inside the video lesson. Once they complete that goal they are then issued points or badges. This will then lead to rewards.
Other Lessons

Here you will see all the other lessons that are included in your course will be listed below. You an turn this feature off if you choose to, however if you choose to display it they are automatically placed for you. One for unique feature in this program is the fact the lessons will light up when you highlight over them.
Resource Box

Here you will see all the other lessons that are included in your course will be listed below. You an turn this feature off if you choose to, however if you choose to display it they are automatically placed for you. One for unique feature in this program is the fact the lessons will light up when you highlight over them.

The monetization modules inside of this platform are unlike anything you have ever seen before. You're able to create "Global Monetization" campaigns that allow you to deploy multiple monetization strategies at the same time including banners, newstickers, video popups, lightboxes and so much more. You can get ultra-targeted with where you want your campaigns deployed.
Dynamic Menu

The menu that you're seeing deployed on this page is created automatically. When you create your lessons this stylish menu is automatically created for you. There’s nothing from stopping you from getting this done.
Step #2 - Your Sales Page Is Done For You!

YES! You read that right. The sales beautiful high-converting sales page is automatically created for you. We will pull in your headlines, graphics descriptions and link it to your order form. BOOM!

Step #3 - Member registration Pages

As soon as your course is created your Member Registration pages are also created. You can use our page builder to customize these pages to your liking. We have an official "Back-Door" registration page too!
Step #4 - Complete Webinar Funnel

Yes you read that right! As soon as your course is created we have also created a complete webinar funnel! Your funnel will include a high converting webinar signup page, webinar confirmation page, webinar replay page and an order form!

All the emails are wriiten, linked and cued up for you ready to be sent!
You have a system that do all the hard works for you. All automated! Once is set... it's all good to go!
We know your serious on getting sales online. We placed a countdown timers on your videos, signup forms, registration forms to make your clients act fast! A simple marketing strategy to drives sales alot...

The Six Figure Blueprint
The Six Figure Blueprint
In this video you're going to learn the overall process we are going to use to be successful with this strategy.
Finding the Perfect Client
Finding the Perfect Client
In this video I'm going to show you how to find the right client. I'm also going to stop you from choose the wrong client and saving you time and effort
The Clients Brand Is KEY!
The Clients Brand Is KEY!
In this video I'm going to show you how to very easily copy the clients brand into the mockup course. This is a very important part of the process.
Creating the Clients Membership
Creating the Clients Membership
In this video I'm going to show you how we very easily create a course that we can use as a lead generation tool to get the client in the door with us.
Creating The Member Signup Page
Creating The Member Signup Page
In this video I'm going to show you how to create your member signup page for your client. We want this page to have the WOW factor.
Creating The Access Email
Creating The Access Email
This is the email that a member signup would see. However we KNOW that when our client registers they are going to get this email as well. So we are going to use it as a promotional piece.
Contacting The Client
Contacting The Client
In this lesson you're going to learn how to contact the client and the proper sequence to use with your client



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Password: Golden_Plaza
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