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The Ultimate Amazon Seller Course 2018 - Philip A Covington - Printable Version

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The Ultimate Amazon Seller Course 2018 - Philip A Covington - G_P2018 - 11-15-2018

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[center]The Ultimate Amazon Seller Course 2018 - Philip A Covington[/center]

No previous knowledge or experienced required!
No catches!
No gimmicks!
No loopholes!
The Most Up To Date Course on Amazon FBA Available!
Unlimited Lifetime Mentoring By Me Personally - Not An Assistant!
No Amazon Guru Empty Promises or Scammy Tactics!

The ONLY Amazon FBA Course that offers Hot Product Picks to help you succeed! (See FAQ below)
Don't miss out! Enrollment in this course is limited

Ask Yourself These Questions:

Are you tired of living paycheck to paycheck?
Hate your dead-end 9 to 5 job?
Don't want to do the 9 to 5 grind?
Graduated College but have no hope for your financial future?
Want to start your own business but don't know where to start?
Are you unemployed, and are looking for something that can help you live a dream life?
Worried about your financial future? Have no direction in your life?
If you answer 'YES' to any of these, pay close attention. I suggest you close all the other tabs, grab a coffee, shut the door and read each and every word on this page. It may transform your life!

A word of warning : This opportunity is for SERIOUS people only. If you are looking for a get rich quick scheme, this course is not for you. If you are someone who is really serious about building an Amazon business and ultimately creating financial freedom, this is definitely for you!

The best way to predict your future is to create it. -Abraham Lincoln

Check out this statistic chart from Amazon: More than 39% of current Amazon Sellers are making $100,000 or more a year!

You could be one of the 39%!

And with some additional work you can reach the 14% that earn more than $1,000,000 a year from Amazon!

I will show you how step-by-step in this outstanding and award winning course!

Discover the exact blueprint to quit your 9-5 and make more money than you ever would in a lifetime at your dead end job!

Fire your short sighted intolerable boss!

A Sneak Peek Of What You Will Learn As A Student Of This Course:

How to find and purchase products that generate thousands in monthly revenue on Amazon FBA
Exactly the step-by-step path of how I built my high six-figure Amazon FBA business
My PPC methods that lower your costs and increase sales by thousands
My proven methods to rank all of your products organically on page one!
Understand the important technical process to sell on Amazon that many sellers overlook
How to build a highly successful Amazon business from the ground up
How to quickly validate your product idea so you can be certain that it will make money
How to source product samples to validate your product before investing your hard earned money
How to turn your ideas into a superior products that will crush your competition
How to create the perfect Amazon listing with powerful SEO and consumer psychology triggers
How to structure and run your business to avoid any tax or legal headaches!
How to turn your profitable products into a 6 or 7 figure brand that people find irresistible
How to diversify your sales channels with a high converting website, and an outstanding social media presence!
Think of this course as a "kit" with everything you need to build a highly successful and profitable Amazon business!

My name is Philip A Covington and I understand where you are coming from because I have been there!

I understand your desire for something better - because I have been broke and frustrated too!

I understand your struggles!

I get it. Working a 9-5 job can be a real grind, especially if you don't like who you work for, or don't enjoy the work itself. Maybe you want to be able to stay home with your children, or perhaps you're just tired of working two jobs just to get by.

If this sounds like you, then earning a solid paycheck working from home might sound like a pipe dream, or perhaps an outright scam. But let me tell you: thousands of people around the world have made a successful business selling items on Amazon though, and with a little training you can join them.

My name is Philip A. Covington, and I was one of those daily grinders. I helped other people get rich while my own paychecks seemed to be getting smaller and smaller. I was disappointed, frustrated, sick and tired of living that life. I wanted to give myself and my family a better life; I wanted to achieve financial freedom. After a lot of struggles, I finally decided to say goodbye to my job and start my own business. It was hard, it was really tough! There are so many "gurus" out there, trying to rip you off, and I learned things the hard way. I tried every system out there - every magical course that promised me millions and then left me nowhere. But I didn't give up.

Over time I was able to build up a business that paid off my mortgage and personal debt, and more importantly relieve the stress that was killing my health. Now, I am not going to try to entice you with those flashy things. I am not going to show you a (probably rented) Lamborghini, or some supposed mansion that I live in. I am not going to promise you the hollow promises that the Amazon Gurus make. I am not going to promise you $30,000 a month profit on two or three or four products while only spending an hour a week on your business. I am not going to show you the fake "student success" videos that the Amazon Gurus try to entice you with.

I am here to show you the actual TRUTH. No Gimmicks, No Catches!

"I have peace of mind because the bills are paid every month and there's more than enough left over for meeting our needs, investing, and giving." - John Teller, Ultimate Amazon Seller Student, 2017

Give yourself the ultimate gift of financial freedom in 2018!

I developed an in-depth training course that teaches you how to build and manage your business on Amazon. This course covers everything you need to know, from how to start a business, to what you need to know about taxes and filing, to how to attract customers in the first place. I am also constantly taking courses myself, and when I learn something new I add it to the course for you.

This course is constantly updated, added to, and improved - you have access to the improvements and additions forever at no additional cost
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