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Laura Roeder - Creating Fame - Printable Version

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Laura Roeder - Creating Fame - G_P2018 - 08-07-2019

[Image: 1.jpg]
[center]Laura Roeder - Creating Fame
Total files:92 | mp4, mp3, flv, txt, pdf, gif, mov, xls G_P| 2.61 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English[/center]

Quote: Welcome to the memorial service�

*Yup, you read that right. Because before you can move forward, you
gotta say goodbye.*

So right here and now, let�s make it official. Together let�s say
goodbye forever to the OLD you who:

* Became really excited about a big opportunity, dreaming up your plan
of attack � then didn�t follow through because it was �out of your
* Has been struggling to grow your email list for years but are still
stuck at only a few hundred subscribers
* Cringed when you saw people with way less experience (or let�s face
it, talent) than you being featured in the media or landing the big
opportunities you�ve always dreamed of
* Tried out yet another �strategy� promising an inbox full of leads �
then felt like a total fool when the result was NADA
* Wanted to put yourself out there more but held back because you were
afraid you�re not attractive/charming/charismatic/young/old enough
to do so
* Daydreamed about being in the public eye sharing your talents with
the world � but felt embarrassed by this �out of reach� fantasy
* Stayed up all night obsessing over the websites and emails of your
competitors, trying to figure out what their secret is
* KNEW that you should be commanding higher rates but weren�t sure if
you had enough incoming business to do so
* Was caught in the feast-or-famine cycle of chasing after work
* Played the �if-only� game WAY too often

Old, dull, critical, stressed-out, small-time self? SEE YA!

Because it�s time to put all that stuff in the PAST where it belongs �
and instead jump ahead to the level you KNOW you are really meant to be at.

Why climb a ladder when you can jump over a frog?

*I�ve never been much for ladder-climbing. That long, painful process of
going slooowwwwwly rung by rung by rung, occasionally slipping down but
never making a large leap forward.*

In fact, I probably should not be admitting this publicly but the truth
is this � I never did small speaking gigs. The whole �ten people
gathered in the bank�s back room� thing. Nope. Skipped right over it! I
went straight for the big fish. The Social Communications Summit, South
by Southwest Interactive, BlogHer, etc.

This is what is called leapfrogging � it has been a huge factor in my
success and will be in yours as well. Leapfrogging is the act of jumping
to right where you want to be and skipping over all the useless junk
most people think they �have� to do to get there.

Keep reading because what�s coming next is very important to
where you are in YOUR business right now

Here�s a paradox: this stuff can make you rich quick, yet it�s about as
far as you can possibly get from �get rich quick�.

Why is that? Creating Fame is all about creating a LEGACY in your field.
I only work with smart entrepreneurs that are interested in building a
long-term, trusted reputation.

But here�s where you kinda get to have your cake and eat it too: even
though we�re thinking long-term the results happen FAST. Like head
spinningly-fast. You can make one well-targeted move and suddenly have
500 interested prospects. Did you see above where I built a list of over
50,000 highly-targeted, highly-engaged prospects in a few years? Some
people never achieve that over the life of their business.

But this is not about VOLUME, it�s about RELATIONSHIPS. Every person on
that list feels like they have a relationship with me.

I really cannot emphasize this next point enough. Read the following
closely, because it is important:

What I teach brings in ONLY people who actively seek you out �
then like you so much they decide they want to stick around
and form a long-term, profitable relationship with you.

There is ZERO ADVERTISING INVOLVED. This flips the traditional marketing
relationship on its head.

People don�t like being advertised to. People like being spoken to � you
know, like people! Radical concept, right?

WHY does this matter? Because when you create your fame with this model,
it takes out the struggle. It takes out the cheesy, flashy, �ugh, do I
really have to do this in order to succeed?�

You�re only talking to people who want to hear from you. You�re only
selling them what they want to buy. You take yourself out of the
feast-or-famine cycle of constantly hunting for work. I really cannot
describe the impact this model will make on your business. It finally
feels like you�re floating with the current instead of fighting to swim

[Image: download.png]
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