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Mark Harbert - Video Ad Playbook - Printable Version

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Mark Harbert - Video Ad Playbook - G_P2018 - 08-09-2019

[Image: 1.jpg]
[center]Mark Harbert - Video Ad Playbook
Total files:68 | mp4, txt, mp3, pdf G_P| 3.95 GB
Genre: eLearning | Language: English[/center]

Quote:From The Desk of Mark Harbert

Is your lack of leads threatening your dreams of having a successful home business?

If you�re laying awake at night worrying about your lack of lead flow�instead of laying awake EXCITED over how many daily leads you�re pulling in� then I want to to help you turn that around FAST!!�

You MUST have leads. There�s just no way around it.

However when those leads aren�t coming in at all (I�ve been there before)�or stop coming in because of a force beyond YOUR control (been there too)� it�s the worst feeling in the world.

Your business does not move forward and huge discouragement starts to set in.

You begin to question your quest for home business success!

I know how you feel because the beginning of this year had me getting slapped silly. Let me explain�

You see� I�d built a Six-Figure Per-Year business using my favorite strategy � video marketing � with YouTube as the driving force.

I love the power of video marketing. I love what it�s done for my business. (I�ll tell you all about why soon)�

Yet a little over 6 months ago my entire business was put in serious jeopardy by YouTube.


Because YouTube didn�t just slap me�they punched me right in the gut!

After months of getting videos flagged by my competition, and by YouTube themselves because of crazy rule changes�they finally shut down my biggest video channel. A channel that was bringing me in a consistent 43+ leads each and every single day.

Suddenly my lead flow once again� for the first time in a long time� began to worry me.

It wasn�t just me either. This happened to many of my marketing friends (some who still haven�t recovered).

So like any good fighter�I had to bob and weave a bit. I went deep into the lab, got strategic and creative, and found a NEW much more effective and consistent way to get people to my videos.

A way that I could control!

Today�you�ll have the chance to benefit from that�
The Power and Instant Rapport of Video Wasn�t Something That I Was Willing to Give Up...

It was never an option�

You can�t find a marketing technique that will let you engineer instant rapport with your potential customers like video marketing can�

If someone tells you differently�either they�re lying�or they�ve never gotten to experience that almost instant �know, like, and trust� capabilities of video.

After generating over 39+K leads online�and putting them through every type of funnel that you can think of� I�ve proven over and over again to myself and the online community that video converts better than anything else you can find.

There�s nothing like having a prospect look directly into your eyes and feel like they�ve just met you. It increases your influence by insane numbers.

Dr. James McQuivey of Forrester Research says that

�One minute of video equals the power of 1.8 million words of text.�

Read that line again. It sounds insane but it�s been tested and proven!

That�s about equal to 3,600 typical web pages. How long would that much text take you to create VS. a short 1-minute video?

This was proven in my own marketing every single time. Videos tripled and even quadrupled my conversion rates!

So the bottom line� there was no way in hell I would abandon that power of video in my marketing.

I simply needed to find a new, safer, and more effective way to get people to see my videos. My decision didn't take long�

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