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elBenbo Press by Ben Settle - Printable Version

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elBenbo Press by Ben Settle - marketingprofits - 09-22-2021

[Image: 54c3e68870399c2e926b08995dfb7c0d.jpg]
Ben Settle - elBenbo Press | 364 MB
Dear Friend,
If you want to immerse yourself in the exact ways I use to create, build, and run a high-end book & newsletter publishing business that grosses over 7-figures per year in sales. with low overhead and no paid employees or VAs. then my new book can show you how.

Otherwise, here's a snapshot of what's waiting for you inside:
- A secret 2-step pricing strategy that can let you sometimes charge enormous sums of money even for small & "thin" books. (There is a reason why KISS singer Gene Simmons commanded over $200.00 (in today's money) for a book about his band with zero "BENEFITS!". a reason why the late Jim Straw nabbed $997.00 for a 160-page PDF eBook. and a reason why I routinely charge several hundred dollars for most of my books.
- It's the same reason I believe you can also charge a premium for high-quality information in a mere book format. And you can read all about it starting on page 183.)
- The absolute best and worst times to start selling a paid newsletter to your list! (If you've ever wondered, "How big should my list be before selling a newsletter?" then pages 298-305 will give you the scoop.)
- How to develop an uncanny "6th sense" for knowing exactly what offers your list wants to buy. before they even do! (I never run surveys, couldn't care less about asking anyone's opinion, and would rather be waterboarded than do a split-test to try to determine "demand" for an offer. For me, it goes like this: get idea, write book, and make sales that always - without exception - exceed my expectations. But it ain't because of any inborn genius. It's because of a special way I've used over the years for sharpening your "gut" intuition so you can sell offers to your list they didn't even know existed 5 minutes before seeing it. I doubt 1 in 10,000 marketers will ever experience this. But I believe you can if you turn to pages 39-41, and the other parts it is talked about in the book, and do the hard work required.)
- How to use the (admittedly creepy) secret of Omnipresence that can possibly get your list thinking about you, your business, and your offers during almost their every waking hour! (Omnipresence can mean your books dominating the book shelf, nightstand, backpack, and even the bathroom as reading material. It can mean your newsletters laying around the office - as certain copywriters at Agora Financial have told me mine are. And it can mean wherever your list goes. there you are, in their face, not allowing them to forget about you, ignore you, or avoid thinking about you. If you want to possess the ever-elusive secret of having hyper-engagement for your business, I daresay this is it.) Page 81
- Disney's sneaky "smart indoctrination" method for psychologically & emotionally tethering customers to your business - constantly wanting to strive for, work for, and pay for almost everything you sell. (There is a reason why multiple generations of customers in the same families buy from Disney at any given time - and it ain't just because Walt drew a mouse. And if you do what you'll learn on page 119 correctly, it can potentially help keep people spreading the "gospel" about your business. spending money with you for the rest of their lives. and possibly even passing this dedication to your business down to their children and their children's children - not unlike what happened with Walt Disney's brand.)
- A secret plot formula used by the world's longest-running TV soap operas that makes it tough for customers to resist buying from your business week after week, month after month, and year after year. (Listen, the mere structure of how you place your offers each month taught on page 310 can potentially get your business ridiculous levels of engaged customers all year long, who almost can't help but want to buy everything you offer. I've been using this plot formula in my promotional schedule for 2 years straight. And even I still can't believe how well it works!)
- Bizarre (yet ingenious) book design insights inspired by Hanna-Barbara (creator of the Flintstones, Jetsons, Scooby-Doo, Smurfs, and other multi-million dollar brands) that can potentially amplify the power of your brand & influence up to 1000 fold. (This goes way beyond the obvious tips like covers, fonts, colors, pricing, etc that are clearly distinct from your competition's books. Those are all important, but there is something else the top creatives at the most successful publishing companies do to make their offers rise high above all others. And when you turn to page 100, you'll see exactly what it is, as well as a real-life case study on what it can look like.)
- A cunning twist you can put on your books & offers to make them stand out in markets overheated with competition selling similar offers. (The late Stan Lee used this method way back in the early 1960s when building Marvel Comics to dynamically stick out from a sea of other comicbook companies selling the exact same kinds of stories - i.e., superheroes - to the exact same "gene pool" of customers.) Page 105
- The revolutionary "anti-psychology" business-building method that can potentially take 4-figure businesses to 5-figures. 5-figure businesses to 6-figures. and 6-figure businesses to 7-figures & beyond.


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