09-02-2020, 09:50 AM
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2020, 09:56 AM by Epicollapse.)
<p>Hey! Hmm, I am pretty sure that running an ozone generator all night and all day is not safe at all... I mean this is ozone after all... I'm new at using it too, but you can read about it here <a href="https://www.damagecontrol-911.com/safely-using-an-ozone-generator-in-the-home/">https://www.damagecontrol-911.com/safely-using-an-ozone-generator-in-the-home/</a>. I've bought it as I had some problems with breathing and this thing cleans the air pretty well. Moreover I've recently found out that it takes away any smell too ! <img src="https://kraftymarketingprofits.com/internetmarketingforum/images/smilies/bigsmile.png" data-sceditor-emoticon="" alt="" title=""> That is great, as for me. But be careful, this thing is dangerous for living things!</p>