02-16-2016, 10:23 AM
(02-14-2016, 11:03 AM)stargate03 Wrote: Wasnt sure where to post this
anyone setup filezilla or similar to sftp up to an aws instance
tried everything on google and no luck
always get time out error and network error
Hi yeah you're able to host on ubuntu servers on aws and upload landers via filezilla.
And when the servers ok and signed on via putty http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtat...nload.html
apt-get update
apt-get install apache2
and type Y and Enter
chmod -R 755 /var/www
Then you need filezilla https://filezilla-project.org/
Then you are able to sign on filezilla like:
Ip: sftp://
un ps and port 22
And upload files on /var/html
Happy to help 8am-11pm Monday-Saturday via Email/Skype/Teamv.
Thank you and I hope you are having a great day!
Best Regards,
Lord Krafty
Email: [email protected]
Skype: GeniusAtPlayKMP