12-11-2018, 06:17 AM
How do I earn extra money part time?
12-11-2018, 06:17 AM
How do I earn extra money part time?
12-11-2018, 06:18 AM
I would suggest starting out as a freelancer on Odesk or Elance. If you do not have a portfolio or any relevant experience, you may want to try Fiverr.
You will not be paid much, but you will get some experience under your belt. As you establish the value that you have to offer, most people are willing to pay extra for special projects. You may also want to consider blogging. It is a great way to showcase your writing skills and get organic publicity. You can also offer to write guest posts for other popular blogs like Huffington Post and Business Insider. Kimanzi Constable has been very successful at building a business and a career by writing guest posts for major blogs. On his website, he offers detailed instructions on submitting guest posts. If you have a special niche (i.e. articles, narratives, blogs), identify your target audience. Find out where your audience hangs (i.e. LinkedIn, Facebook, Meetup, etc) out and begin spending time with them. Find out what problem they would pay someone to solve. Craft your freelancing business to meet this need.
12-11-2018, 07:46 PM
Well, sports betting cab=n be a good variant for you. If it’s just advice you want there are a ton. Nut you’re never really going to know what suits you until you try following them and checking for yourself and as per your results. Statistics and advice otherwise is easy to come by. The same logic applies for betting systems and anything really related to sports betting because the important thing is it working for you. For example, I use this one https://777score.ph/. Partially because they give me what they believe are the best picks from analysts around. No fluff or anything. And I use it for American sports betting because I don’t have to actually have any knowledge about it. It’s more like a do as you’re told system. That works for me. Personally I prefer a no questions asked system than something I can learn how to do on my own because I don’t have time for it. So advice is less important to me than winning picks.