<br><br>Absolutely, all you need you already have - the desire to change. Train a lot! But if the training was not that effective - it’s a waste of time. In order you have good results try a program from <a href="https://www.modernfit.com/programs/noom/how-noom-stacks-up-vs-weight-watchers/">modernfit.com</a>. Modern Fit also gives tailored workout plans to help supercharge weight loss and get you to your goals. My goal is not lose weight but to have good quality of my body and it helps as it has also food recommendations! Amazing thing from different sides, you see.<br></p>
(09-01-2020, 10:58 PM)brainstorm21 Wrote: </p><p>For about a year, I have been overweight, which only increases. I didn't care about it before, but now it's starting to get in my way and I want to get rid of it. What can you recommend?<br></p><p>
<br><br>Absolutely, all you need you already have - the desire to change. Train a lot! But if the training was not that effective - it’s a waste of time. In order you have good results try a program from <a href="https://www.modernfit.com/programs/noom/how-noom-stacks-up-vs-weight-watchers/">modernfit.com</a>. Modern Fit also gives tailored workout plans to help supercharge weight loss and get you to your goals. My goal is not lose weight but to have good quality of my body and it helps as it has also food recommendations! Amazing thing from different sides, you see.<br></p>