07-21-2024, 11:46 AM
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Clayton Makepeace - Building Your Copywriting Business | 6.86 GB
merica's highest-paid copywriter who has earned well over million per year since 1995 - says .
"Give me 48 hours and I'll give YOU an income explosion!
I'll give you my detailed blueprint for building a copywriting BUSINESS that rakes in up to six - even seven - figures per year, including .
- Client attraction methods that will have potential clients trying to sell YOU on why you should work with them
- The 'framework' - agreements, forms, and checklists - you need to make sure your business runs without a hitch
- How to earn more money with one client, in just one month - than most people earn in an entire year
- And much, much more!"
It doesn't matter if you've never been paid to write a word of copy
If you're going to learn how to do something, it only makes sense to learn from the very best.
And when it comes to building a profitable copywriting business, this "career maker" is the best expert I know.
He has literally helped hundreds of copywriters launch and grow their businesses.
Many earn VERY nice incomes. The lucky few he personally coached earn hundreds of thousands of dollars every year. And the really ambitious ones like P.L., B.H., K.K., B.L., and C.A. make millions.
And now, you have an opportunity to learn directly from him.
Imagine a business where .
- Dream clients who respect and value the work you do, seek YOU out. They're delighted if you choose to work with them. They are willing to pay you every penny you're worth. And, they look forward to a long, profitable relationship.
- Your income becomes stable. Most of your clients pay you a big fat retainer fee every month. And thanks to generous royalties, your income grows year after year, while you seem to work even less than you did before.
- You only take on projects you want to work on. And only with people you want to work with. You are in complete control of your business.
- You have total freedom and flexibility. You can finally put your mental energy on the fun stuff like what far-off places you want to visit. Who you want to pamper and spoil. And how you want to enjoy your life.
This can be YOUR life once you master the secrets of building a mega-profitable copywriting business.
And over the course of two days this coming April, you can learn how to do it from the ultimate copywriting business coach.
So who is this mystery "career maker"?
You may have heard of him before .
He's a legend in our industry. He's earned a not-so-small fortune with his copywriting business. His best month? $1.4 million.
In fact, he's earned no less than a million dollars a year for the past DECADE using the same secrets he'll be sharing with you.
Meet Clayton Makepeace; arguably the world's HIGHEST-paid copywriter.
And here's the thing .
Based on the "facts" alone, Clayton would be the LEAST likely person you'd think would go on to earn millions.
Your Blueprint For Success
It's called The Makepeace Method: Building a Successful Copywriting Business.
And it's all happening on Clayton's birthday weekend - April 11-13, 2014 - in his hometown, Sarasota, Florida.
That's right; Clayton's turning 62, but he's giving YOU the gift of a super-profitable copywriting business!
He's going to show you how to follow in his footsteps - and build a copywriting business that gives you as much income, freedom, and flexibility as you want.
Here's just a small taste of what you'll learn:
- How to book yourself solid: The days of having to chase clients down and "sell" yourself to them will be over. You'll discover Clayton's trade secrets for attracting the highest-paying clients in any niche. These secrets are so powerful, you may even have potential clients fight over who gets to hire you!
- How to get paid what you're worth: You'll see in minute detail how Clayton negotiates compensation agreements. You'll also get sample contracts that will help you generate huge profits for your clients and massive income for yourself.
- Why you can start making more money immediately: The secret? Pick the lowest-hanging fruit first! You get Clayton's COMPLETE system for spotting the best opportunities; then producing almost immediate, explosive profits for your client (and instant wealth for you!).
- Keep clients with you for years; maybe even forever: You'll get Clayton's time-tested techniques for making your client feel he'd sooner chew off his own right arm than to let you go.
- And much, MUCH MORE!
Work Smart
Clayton's mission with this event is simply to help you work SMART - by earning maximum dollars for every hour you work.
This doesn't mean you have to be as ambitious as Clayton and want to make millions . or work longer hours . or give up your dreams of working where you want . or sacrifice your freedom in any way.
To the contrary: Once you learn how to earn more in a month than other writers earn all year, you could even choose to forego the extra income and take 11 months off each year (Clayton has!).
Of course, you can also choose to go for the big paydays. The skills and tools you'll learn will help you get there as quickly as possible.
That's why Clayton is also going to show you:
- How to make a huge splash with your new client: Six easy ways to instantly spot the opportunities most likely to give both your client and you the richest payday possible - and do it in the shortest time and with minimum effort.
- The #1 secret for sudden, massive growth: This one, simple change in your client's positioning can transform a $4 million-a-year pipsqueak company into $192 million industry-dominating Goliath in a single year. (Actual results; Clayton's actually done this and he'll show you how you can, too.)
- How to harness what Einstein once called "the most powerful force in the universe": It multiplies your client's sales - and your paychecks - by an order of magnitude!
- How to keep explosive profit growth going for years: Six ways to identify products, offers, and new niches that virtually guarantee you a four-bagger grand-slam and a truly eye-popping paycheck - on pretty much every one of your client's promotions.
- Why smart business owners desperately want to pay you 10 times more -It's because they understand the kind of "win-win" relationship Clayton will show you how to set up. In fact, you'll see why business owners become giddy when it's time to write you those big royalty checks!
- The eight qualities that tell you a business will be an ideal partner - and three red flags that tell you which businesses you shouldn't touch with a 10-foot pole (you'll save yourself a lot of time and frustration knowing this upfront).
- The four easy ways to instantly intensify and deepen your relationship with any client - and how to compel your freelance clients to insist on a longer, more mutually-profitable partnership with you. This is how you get clients to "sell" themselves on you working with THEM!
- How to do "the impossible" - And structure even MORE profitable partnerships with your clients when creating lead-generating campaigns and web copy for them . Plus how to make your offer practically irresistible!
- And much, MUCH MORE!
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